Entries in prop 19 (1)



Mytastybud Is A For-Profit Apparel Retail Company.

We Sell Clothing Only, Period.


At Mytastybud we in NO WAY endorse or encourage the sale or use of unprescribed, illegal substances as they are variously defined by the many different state and federal law enforcement agencies.

Mytastybud advises, and assumes all site visitors be familiar with their country/state's particular laws regarding medical cannabis.  These laws can vary widely from de facto 'legalization' in some country/state's (California for example) to strict prohibition (even medicinally) in others.  We recomend this Index of U.S. State&Local Websites for those who are not familiar with the laws governing their particular locality.

We here at Mytastybud are NOT PHYSICIANS, and any 'review' or description made by writers or contributors to the website mytastybud.com should in NO WAY be understood as medical advice.  Medical cannabis can affect patients and users in different ways for a number of different physiological reasons, and while the chance of death from cannabis use is far less than 1%, the course of therapy and the form/type of cannabis to be used in that medical therapy should be discussed at length with one's own personal physician or medical professional.

Currently only certain states in the Union accept and permit medicinal-cannabis cultivation and therapeutic use for their citizens. Prohibition of medicinal-cannabis continues in the majority of U.S. states in the face of overwhelming acceptance by medical professionals and physicians as an effective therapy/treatment/drug in a daily increasing list of medical/health problems and/or disorders. 

Medicinal cannabis use & distribution is currently the subject of a number of federal court appeals, as well as being in several currently proposed state and federal-level bills that seek to either decriminalize the plant entirely or move it to a much less 'controlled' schedule on the Controlled Substances Act.

We will continue to keep you updated on any large state or federal decisions here at Mytastybud.