Entries in chem bud (1)


Chem Dawg - (Apparel Currently In Design)

by ~p

Type:  Sativa-Hybrid

Grade:  A

Smell:  Nothing super-smelly even when ground, though that is not a negative in my book. 

Taste:  Lightly mint and lightly and very faintly sour…not very intense smell or taste.  Very mild on those fronts, slightly sweet on the finish.

Effect Type:  Typical and classic Sativa cognitive/cerebral effects which quickly (within 15 minutes or so) give way to a prototypical Indica relaxing effect. About a 60/40 split between body/head effects.

Effect Length:  1.5 hr

Overall:  Nice dense bud structure, with some trichomes on the outside and many on the inside.  Chem Dawg has a fast onset of action when compared with other medicinal strains.

After reviewing both Chem Dawg and Mendocino Purps; they are both great in their own right.  However, I have been mixing these two in equal parts and I love the resulting 'mix'.  I noticed yesterday, about 30 seconds after administering, that I tasted Kung Pow sauce- no joke!  My personal opinion is the sum is better than either of the two medicinal-strains administered separately.