Entries in poison bud review (1)


Durban Poison - (Apparel Available Online In Our Store!)

Type: Sativa
Grade: A-
Smell: lightly floral-smelling nug; when ground, earthy musk, ammonia, pine, floral/clove/eucalyptus,
Taste: earthy and minty with a spicy finish
Effect Type: Body and cerebral high, well balanced Sativa dominant. Effective in treatment of mild-depression, lethargy, and symptoms of ADHD. DP also has a noticeable balance of Indica-type traits including mild-sedation.
Effect Length: 1.5 hours
Overall: After adminisering, I experienced an immediate wash of tingly goodness from my head to my toes,
slowly rolling from top to bottom. Felt like it wouldn’t’ be too overwhelming to walk the dogs, and say hi
to neighbors I don’t know. Nice active effect, no couch-lock on this one.